Monday, March 15, 2010

The Smell of Sunday

Before I went to church yesterday I put a roast in the oven so that we could eat as soon as we came home. As I walked in the door the smell of the cooking roast washed over me. My first thought, 'It smells like my Grandma and Grandpa Garner's home on Sunday.' My second thought, 'Wouldn't they be proud of me that I made that smell for my family.'

Some smells you never forget. I will always remember walking into my grandparents home and smelling the roast cooking. The potatoes would be boiling and when they were done grandma would mash them and grandpa would make the gravy. Now I mash the potatoes and make the gravy the same way grandpa did.

Whenever we sit down to eat a roast beef dinner with mashed potatoes I think of Grandma and Grandpa Garner and wish they could be here to eat it with me. After a few years it now smells and tastes just like theirs.

Side note: When we walked in the house yesterday Bryan was the first one to speak and he said, 'It smells just like Grandma and Grandpa Foote's home.' Bryan and his family would visit his grandparents in Brigham City and while at church Grandpa Foote would cook a roast in a toaster oven on the back porch. When they would walk home from church they would turn a corner and the smell would hit them. Isn't it funny how smells take us back to great memories in our lives!


Julie said...

I was going to say the same thing as Bryan! Even though Roast was a regular menu item at our house, it is a special memory of Grandma & Grandpa Foote's house. The same thing happens when I burn toast! I love it, and think of Grandma. Sometimes, I do it on purpose!

KS said...

I hope I give my kids and grandkids these same memories.

Thanks for the fun post and all the memories that came with it.

Gabriela said...

Smells definitely trigger memories!

I love a good roast, and the smell reminds me of home. :)

Roger and Deborah Garner said...

Lynne, I almaost started crying because your blog did trigger memories. We didn't have a lot of roast growing up at home or at my grandparents. It seemed like when we got together we always had fried chicken and potatoe salad. Sooo . . . I too think of Grandma and Grandpa Garner when I cook roast. I miss them very much. They both taught me how to cook a good roast!!

Penradicals said...

Love the smell of roast on Sunday. Nice post, Lynne :)