Thursday, September 4, 2008

Ty's First BYU Game

Saturday we all went to the first BYU game of the season. Unfortunately, Ty did not like the noise. I lasted maybe five minutes in my seat before I retreated with Ty to underneath the stadium. I did see the team come out onto the field and the first few plays but I couldn't really pay attention because Ty WOULD NOT STOP CRYING. So I stayed under the stadium for the first quarter and then we all went home. So we won't do that again. It was a little frustrating because there were other babies there doing just fine. Oh, well, maybe in a few years we will all go as a family but for now, we will take turns going. At least we got this picture of the four of us!


Jennilynn and Jeff said...

I am sorry to hear about that. My kids were always the crying ones. I can't sit through 15 minutes of church, let alone 4 hours of football. Like you said, a few more years.

Gabriela said...

Maybe he's a Ute fan, have you considered that???
