Thursday, August 14, 2008

GFL Draft

GFL stands for the Garner Football League, for those of you who don't know. The first Saturday of every August we get together to have our "draft". It's really turned into a reunion and is lots of fun. The kids all get to play together and have fun.

This year they added a golf tournament early Saturday morning. Bryan took Lucas and they had a blast. Bryan has never had a chance to play with my dad and he was really happy he finally got to. He came home telling me how great a golfer he is--I think he was even better than Bryan expected. I meanwhile stayed home and read "Breaking Dawn" aloud to my mom as she took care of Ty. We got through the first 100 pages that morning.

At the draft we had a great luncheon, put on by mom, and then started into the 2-3 hour process of drafting players. Camille, my cousin, read to the kids for a while. It was so cute.

Scott and Brian do such a great job. Thanks to them, mom and dad, and Steph for all their hardwork. It really is a big production and we have more fun year after year. Last year our team, the Toronto Yodas, didn't do so well. The worst year we've ever had. So hopefully this year Ty will bring us some good luck. GOOOO YODAS!!

1 comment:

Gabriela said...

What fun!

I love your last post of all the ladies sitting around reading. I've yet to get my hands on a copy. :(

Ty is TOO cute! I just want to squeeze him.