Monday, October 26, 2009

Family Pictures

Today I was going to post the wonderful family pictures we did in the canyon by the river. BUT, Lucas got the flu Friday and so there are none. It really is a bummer because we've been planning to go for months AND Stephanie was here to help us. So we'll have to go by ourselves, use a tripod and hope that Ty smiles at the camera, or even looks at the camera. Of course it's supposed to snow tomorrow and this weekend might be too cold, too late for pictures. We'll see how it goes. Lucas is doing fine now. Both him and Ty had whatever it was--threw up for a day and then woke up the next morning feeling fine. I'm crossing my fingers I don't get it. We've had flu shots but it obviously doesn't protect you from everything.


Cassie said...

It is much nicer to have someone help you do it! It is hard when it is yourself doing it.

This is how my kids smiled at the camera, maybe it will help you. I actually couldn't find my remote for the camera which apparently worked out great because the boys wanted to help me set the timer and then they ran to sit down. So then they wanted to take the picture and I didn't even have to bribe them with the money. It even helped Audriana smile at the camera. Because she was laughing at the boys. She knows what the camera is for too so she was looking at most of them. There were some of them that she was looking off.

And if there are a mix and Bryan doesn't know photoshop, send them to me and I can swap heads for you so you have one good photo! Phil's head is from a different picture in ours actually because he hated the way he looked in the original one ;).

LeShel said...

how miserable. we're playing yucks this week but we've only missed out on school and work not family pictures. i hope you'll be able to get some nice ones when everyone is feeling better.