Thursday, March 12, 2009

Kids say the funniest things...

My friend had done this with her four boys. It was funny how little Lucas really knew about me and Bryan. Some of his answers are funny. For instance, I guess he doesn't think I take care of Ty very well! Interesting.

1. What is something mom/dad always says to you?
Yes or come here/No

2. What makes mom/dad happy?
When we surprise mom on Mother's Day/When I do something for him

3. What makes mom/dad sad?
I don't know/I don't know

4. How does your mom/dad make you laugh?
Tickle me/When he plays with me and we have so much fun

5. What was your mom/dad like as a child?
I don't know what you were like/I don't know

6. How old is your mom/dad?

7. How tall is your mom/dad?
10 pounds/60 pounds

8. What is her/his favorite thing to do?
Play Mario Kart/Play Mario Kart or movie nights

9.What does your mom/dad do when you're not around?

10. If your mom/dad becomes famous, what will it be for?
She would be a famous racer or singer/A famous racer

11. What is your mom/dad really good at?
Mario Kart/Mario Kart

12. What is your mom/dad not very good at?
Sometimes not very good at taking care of Ty/I don't know

13. What does your mom/dad do for a job?
You work/Go to JetBlue and work

14.What is your mom's/dad's favorite food?
Chicken enchiladas/Pancakes

15.What makes you proud of your mom/dad?
Because you're so nice to me/Because he works for us and has money for the house

16. If your mom/dad were a cartoon character, who would she/he be?
A Looney Toon person/Spiderman

17. What do you and your mom/dad do together?
Sometimes you play Mario Kart/Sometimes we play catch

18. How are you and your mom/dad the same?
Because we're in the same family/Because we're in the same family also

19. How do you know your mom/dad loves you?
Because you're always nice to me/Because I'm his son

21. Where is your mom's/dad's favorite place to go?
I don't know/Training table


KS said...

Now I'm curious to see what Andrew and Natalie would say. I love how kids think.

Adrianne said...

Cute answers. He has quite a bit of faith in your racing abilities!