My friend had done this with her four boys. It was funny how little Lucas really knew about me and Bryan. Some of his answers are funny. For instance, I guess he doesn't think I take care of Ty very well! Interesting.
1. What is something mom/dad always says to you?
Yes or come here/No
2. What makes mom/dad happy?
When we surprise mom on Mother's Day/When I do something for him
3. What makes mom/dad sad?
I don't know/I don't know
4. How does your mom/dad make you laugh?
Tickle me/When he plays with me and we have so much fun
5. What was your mom/dad like as a child?
I don't know what you were like/I don't know
6. How old is your mom/dad?
7. How tall is your mom/dad?
10 pounds/60 pounds
8. What is her/his favorite thing to do?
Play Mario Kart/Play Mario Kart or movie nights
9.What does your mom/dad do when you're not around?
10. If your mom/dad becomes famous, what will it be for?
She would be a famous racer or singer/A famous racer
11. What is your mom/dad really good at?
Mario Kart/Mario Kart
12. What is your mom/dad not very good at?
Sometimes not very good at taking care of Ty/I don't know
13. What does your mom/dad do for a job?
You work/Go to JetBlue and work
14.What is your mom's/dad's favorite food?
Chicken enchiladas/Pancakes
15.What makes you proud of your mom/dad?
Because you're so nice to me/Because he works for us and has money for the house
16. If your mom/dad were a cartoon character, who would she/he be?
A Looney Toon person/Spiderman
17. What do you and your mom/dad do together?
Sometimes you play Mario Kart/Sometimes we play catch
18. How are you and your mom/dad the same?
Because we're in the same family/Because we're in the same family also
19. How do you know your mom/dad loves you?
Because you're always nice to me/Because I'm his son
21. Where is your mom's/dad's favorite place to go?
I don't know/Training table
Now I'm curious to see what Andrew and Natalie would say. I love how kids think.
Cute answers. He has quite a bit of faith in your racing abilities!
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