Friday, December 5, 2008

Honest Scrap

So I've been tagged by this one twice! I usually don't get around to doing tags but I'll do this one since two of you tagged me. I have to list 10 honest things about myself.

1. I stress out about everything. Sometimes at night I start to stress about things in general and I feel stress coming out of me, my body feels like a live wire.
2. I can't live without my PDA. It allows me to write down things I have to do which then helps me to not stress so much. Also, some nights I need it to go to sleep. I play "bubbles" and it helps my mind to shut down, kind of like counting sheep.
3. I love chocolate so much!!
4. I love my family even more then chocolate.
5. I miss my friends from all periods of my life, childhood, BYU, mission, student ward, Meridian, Riverton. I think about all of you and wish I could live near all of you at once. I can't wait till we're all dead and in heaven so that we can truly be friends forever.
6. I hate death. It scares me, terrifies me. It shouldn't. But it still does. What I fear the most is that I'll die before my children are grown. I don't want anyone else to raise them.
7. I love books. I love reading and escaping to different places. I've been so obsessed with Twilight that it's embarrassing. I mean really obsessed! Okay, I wouldn't get a tattoo or anything but if you come to my home after Christmas you may just see a Twilight calendar hanging on my wall. Like I said, embarrassing, but true.
8. I love movies. Especially really long period dramas. I love lending out these movies to my friends and getting them hooked on them too. Bryan believes I keep Masterpiece Theater in business.
9. Every time I pick up Ty I'm in awe at what I've been given. I love watching Lucas and Ty sleep. They are so peaceful.
10. I know I'm a good person but sometimes I'm really not. Sometimes I just want to be selfish and sit around all day doing nothing but reading, watching a show I like, and eating chocolate.

Now you all know way too much about me. I'm supposed to tag 10 friends but I don't think I will. If you feel like being tagged then you're tagged!


LeShel said...

Thanks for the posting. I loved reading it because it reminded me of you. I miss you but I love reading about you and your sweet kids. Hold them close I miss seeing them too.

Adrianne said...

I liked reading this. You are such a fun person. I'm glad you updated. I feel lonely when I log on and nobody has updated their blog. Thanks for making my evening.